Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal


WITBIER            Alc. Vol. 5.0%
Bright and crisp, this light-bodied witbier is a perfect pairing for seafood and fresh cuisine. Crafted with a blend of wheat and pilsner malts, this craft beer it’s infused with orange peel and coriander for a zesty citrus aroma and a subtle spice finish. 

Style: Witbier
Alc. Vol. 5.0%
Hops: Hallertaur
Pairing: Mariscos

Awards: Gold - Ensenada Beer Fest 2011
Tiniebla is one of our core craft beers at Cervecería Insurgente. 
Available all year round. 

¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!        ¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!        ¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!        ¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!        ¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!        ¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!        ¡Sé un Insurgente, toma artesanal!